Firewall protection
Firewall is a network security system that can monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic according to predetermined security rules.
Insecure networks can lead to data leak, network failure and down time. Network security maintain and monitor your network and prevent cybersecurity threats.
Antivirus protection
Virus, hacker and malware attacks are very high and pose a serious risk to your business. Most virus are designed to steal your data and other valuable assets.
Antivirus software and powerful automatic security software can protect workstations and devices from virus, malware and ransomware.
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a secure tunnel between the device and the Internet. VPN is used to protect your business network from snooping and interception.
VPN allow you to securely access all business data anytime, anywhere, whether you are working from home, in remote office.